North Somerset Coast

North Somerset Coast

in watercolours

Sand Bay to the Hotwells’ lock

...“The coast path winds on, a yard or two back from the cliff edge, bordered by bracken and the cheerful spikes of Rosebay willow herb. With the tide out, the shoreline is etched and scalloped into a fretwork of pools and gold sand. Speckled Wood and Gatekeeper butterflies dance ahead of us along the path - never quite resting long enough for us to take a close look at them.”...

This volume traces the intriguing coastline north of Weston-super-Mare: from Sand Bay and the coves of Middle Hope, across the levels of Kingston Seymour, to Clevedon and Portishead. From there, it turns into the River Avon describing Somerset’s old sea-pilot harbour of Pill, to close beneath the Clifton Suspension Bridge at the Hotwells’ locks: the gateway to the old Bristol docks.

197 pages with over 150 paintings and drawings.

Hardback - currently out of print
ISBN 978-0-9541546-5-3

Paperback - currently out of print
ISBN 978-0-9541546-4-6

Copyright © Rosie and Howard Smith

The Powder House - River Avon The Crossing, Woodspring Priory
Waiting for the tide - Clevedon Pier
Click to enlarge